This is an incandescent bulb locate in the living area of my apartment. The fixture provides ambient lighting at different levels. The luminaire contains five bulbs, that can all be turned on at once or at different times. This light source provides enough light for tasks to be done within this space. Or just to illuminate the room. The bulbs within this fixture bring out warm tones in the illuminated space. I feel this fixture provides the appropriate amount of light needed in the space.
This is an HID fixture located on the third floor studio space in the Gatewood building. This fixture provides focal lighting. Since this bulb is part of a track system. The fixture is used to highlight work displayed throughout the space. This luminaire brings out warm tones to the areas it illuminates. I feel the HID bulb is appropriate withit the studio space. The luminaire provides the right amount of light for work to be displayed.
This is a Fluorescent fixture located in the digital lab. This fixture provides ambient lighting. The Luminaire contains one fluorescent bulb to illuminate the space. This light source provide bright light conducive to working in a space. The fluorescent fixture brings out the white in colors. I feel that a bright light is needed in areas where work is completed. Yet this fixture can also create visual fatigue and head aches.